Saturday, July 31, 2010


My oldest son 24 and my parents 81 & 77
When I got my divorced I had a very hard time adjusting with my three children. I worked three jobs just to make ends meet. I was getting two hours of sleep and not knowing what day it was- if it was early morning or early evening. I just knew that one day the kids would get older and things would get better. As my kids got older so did I, as well as my parents and the people around us. I lost one of my kidney's back when I was young, this was back in the early 60's I saw other kids that didn't make the operation like I did- I asked myself why me? why did I make it and they didn't- why do people die? My ex-girlfriends mother died of cancer and for as long as I can remember she did everything right so she wouldn't get cancer- eating right , exercising, no smoking or drinking and got her yearly check ups. One day she came to me and asked me to feel a small lump in her breast- we thought nothing of it, but still went to the doctor just to get it checked out and get a few test done. When we went back for the follow-up the doctor asked her if she wanted a full or partial masectomy to our surprise this was the beginning of a long journey- cancer has no friends, knows no color, religion, gender, race- it doesn't care if you're rich or poor, but one thing is for sure it will change your life forever- looking back 9 plus years later and knowing that she's ok today I don't fear much as I believe that we all have a destiny and all we can do is live life to its fullest for today not making the mistakes of yesterday and looking into tomorrow to better ourselves. Life is guaranted to no one so live today like it is your last. People live today caring about things they cannot help- help yourself first then you can help others. You're only as old as you feel- so take care of your body better than you take care of your car. Things just don't matter because without you- you're not going to enjoy the material things that we so much love more than ourselves. My journey end with not having my girlfriend, but she has her health and today we're great friends- things happen for a reason it's our choice how to except it and what to do with adversity. Today I'm happily married and moving forward with my wife to bigger and better things. If we all had a crystal ball we could make decisions based on what the ball told us, but that's not the case. Make the best of today-try making it full circle one day at the time you'll look back one day and see that we all just get older- just like anything else we do the best we can but it just happens to be that we just get older.


  1. Wow, you could write a book, an inspirational text for seniors. You may not find time until later though because you seem really busy.

    I did 2.5 hours of zumba for a benefit yesterday. We had a great time, sweat buckets and gained the benefit of several instructors from around town. I need to upload photos on my blog, so everyone can see their instructor sweat!

  2. Artemio,

    You surely enjoy your work and I like your topic and blog. I think we do need to look back for a moment to see where we've been and to keep on track to where we are going. I know God does not make mistakes and there is a lot that we will never understand until we see him.

    You're doing a wonderful service and you have a great family and a lot of experience.
