Sunday, July 11, 2010

Once a dad always a dad

Sunday the 11th my My day is starting like every other day, coffee and a walk with the dogs in my back yard. People take things for granted thinking that today is promised to us, but it's promised to no one- so make the best of each day-help those how can't help themselves- make a difference it starts with just one person why not you. The best gift you can give your child is your time- it's the best gift and it cost you nothing. Our children are great investments that we make- so protect them with all you have- like anything else they take time to masseur- take the time to teach them and nurture them- in the long run it will payoff for the best of them. My parents are over my mother is 77 years old and still works as a nurse doing private cases through the are of Camden, New Jersey one of the worst cities in America. She tells me that she's helping her people- what she means is the Latins in the area that have a hard time communicating or getting services throw the county. My step-father is retiered at 81 years old and helps my mother get around to her cases. They are both great insperations to me and my children- my wife loves my mother, she lost both of her parents about 6 years ago. I think that's why I spend so much time helping others- I teach a senior exercise class here at the community center. I remember the first day I walked in, they all looked at me like here comes something new. It's sad to see how we as Americans forget our elderly- they are the once that have given us our freedoms that we so much enjoy today. My one senior Joe was in WW l l in one of the battleships- I always ask him to tell me something about his experiences. My one son is in the military ans at 22 years old he has done more and seen more than allot of kids his age.
www.facebook./Bartemio's Academy of Martial

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