Saturday, July 24, 2010


We tend to forget that one day we will be senior citizens and how would you like to be treated. Our parents, friends and ourselves will get old. It's making it full circle that we don't prepare for as we live for today and today only. We have a responsibility to stay healthy, balanced, and happy if we depend in others to do that for us we will never make the full circle. As we grow older we lose love ones, friends and others that have influence the way we do things. So why do we forget our senior citizens when one day we will all be one. We look into tomorrow wishing we can enjoy our senior years, but what do we do to prepare for does days if we drowned ourselves in peaty and sorrow. Live today like is your last day, but make a plan for tomorrow in case you wake up to live another day. Tomorrow is guarantied to no one so today live it up and celebrate to hopefully make tomorrow a better day than yesterday. 


  1. Hi,I agree with you, that life is a cycle. I am approaching my senior years, and I hope that my children will always be near to me not just to assist me in every day activities, but to LOVE me also. We definitely have come full circle.

  2. This is a really great blog topic. I am only 22 years old but always carry around the fear of getting old. I am not sure why I fear this so much, I guess I have a difficult time thinking that I may die one day. My mother is going to be 51 soon and the women in our family do not have long lives. My great grandma died when she was 70 but had a stroke when she was 66 and layed on a couch for 4 years. My grandma died at the young age of 58 from intestinal problems which are hereditary in our family. My mom has had many, many health issues related to intestinal problems and I fear everyday of losing her at a young age. I have told her I will take care of her when she is unable to any longer. Being able to share the last days of her life are extremely important to me since we no longer live in the same state. I rarely see her other than once a year for only 2 weeks. I think maybe the reason I have chose to become a Nutritionist is because of my fear of dying related to Intestinal issues. I have, in a way, become obsessed with the idea of being healthy so I can live longer.
