Friday, September 10, 2010

Never Say Goodbye

I neve say goodbye because you never know what tomorrow holds for us. We go to sleep and expect to wake up the next morning and get ready for another day. We complain about our jobs, people, and family and that's just the start. We want people to understand us, but yet we don't understand ourselves so we're in a constant struggle in trying to understand. One thing I know and that is myself, I don't pretended too be something am not, but I don't let others tell me who I am. So I'll live you with this:
Accept Me
I am I...
Do not change me
condemn me, nor put me down.
Accept me for what I am.
No... you need not agree with me
But accept me.
For I am total in being.
I have my faults, I have my guilts
But that is who I am.
Perfect I will never be.
Allow me to be uninhibited.
Do not pressure me into feeling
what I do not feel.
Accept me when I am flying high
As I have accepted you
when you were flying high.
Do not put me down...
nor make me feel unhappy about me.
I am I...
and I like being what I am...
written by
                                                  Larry S. Chengges
So stay true to yourself and never give up on your dreams, because only you can make them happen.
Thank You Classmates
until next time


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

It's Just Not the End

The trail is long and lonely with lots of twists and turns, but with reponsibility you can navigate your way through anything.
People think that things just come to an end, but who really knows. I was walking the trails behind my house with my dogs just taking in nature. The trail turns, it goes straight for a bit then it splits in two. Each trail offers me a choice that I can take- what trail I take will lead me either to a dead end or to another trail that leads me out of the woods. Like life, we have choices that we must make everyday, some lead you to a dead end and  some don't. They are still your choices that can be good or bad, we and only we are responsible for the outcomes and consequences that come from those choices. Life is simple, but we complicate it because we worry about things that we can not take care of. Our own responsibilities are to look out for each other, love one another, care for ourselves before we can do for others.We all have a role in life that we are responsible for. Teaching responsibilities are not easy when it comes to being a parent. We tend to let the closest to us take advantage of us because we love them, but we would be doing a great diservice to those closest to us by not teaching them responsibilities. When first entering the woods people can get lost, but if you show them the way around the woods giving them the right trail to follow they can only learn how to manage themselves around those trails. With time they learn to make their own trails through the woods with no fear of what's ahead, but always respecting the woods.